
Cytomel T3

15 customer reviews Sold: 0

Substance: Liothyronine Sodium
Manufacturer: Beligas Pharmaceuticals
Pack: 50 tabs (50mcg/tab)

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Cytomel T3


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15 reviews for Cytomel T3

  1. Rob Davis

    This was my first order here. The smartest way to judge the efficacy of a product is getting labs drawn. No need to guess if the product is working based on the vague notion of how you “feel” or are performing – humans are too complex. If you have ANY question- order a lab. I decided to take a 25 mcg (full pill) in the morning and had labs drawn 4+ hours later – this is my normal dose but normally split into 2 taken AM and PM. Free T3 was measured at 7 pg/ml (reference range 2-4.4 pg/ml). This informs me that it’s a quality product, and that given T3’s (cytomel) short half-life, my split dose is good for my current needs.

  2. Adisa Ambonisye

    Wow is all I can say!! 260lbs to 249lbs in less than 2weeks, lean and muscles still popping!!

  3. Devon

    Great product. This works best for low carb/Keto diet as your BMR slows down in that phase and fat takes longer to break down.

  4. Super Dad

    I’ve been taking Pharma grade T3 for years when I drop this in for an extra boost the metabolism there is no difference very impressive.

  5. Jeremy Y.

    Greta stuff I can feel my body on fire while using this with Geneza clen also during prep!

  6. Tjp

    High quality product. If you need some help with getting extra fat loss I definitely recommend this product.

  7. AJS

    After struggling with lethargy and weight gain for years, I took every test possible and tried everything I could. My thyroid hormone levels always came back the low end of normal, so my doctor didn’t want to prescribe thyroid medication. I thought I might have some kind of subclinical hypothyroidism. I decided to try this, and after a year of taking it daily, I’m glad I did. After a week, I was finally starting to feel like myself again. I had the energy to exercise again, and started losing weight I had been unable to before with ease. I actually felt motivated to go out and be active instead of lying in bed watching youtube every day after work… I’m in a much better place now than I would have been otherwise. I can say this product is 100% legitimate and effective. Some tips:The effects can be subtle at first. It’s not like an energy drink where you feel it right away. Don’t think it’s not working and take more. Start at 25mcg and be patient to see how it effects you, or you might take too much and get a rapid heart beat. You will develop a tolerance after a while. Once your body adapts to it, it won’t have the same weight loss effects. I was losing weight very easily for about a month and a half, then it slowed down. Even raising the dose didn’t bring back the same weight loss effects it had in the first month. This was no big deal to me because I was taking it for lethargy, but if you’re taking this just to lose weight, I can see why you would want to cycle it.

  8. jim john

    Great stuff noticed it with in days of first dose will buy again when needed

  9. Mr.Hyde

    This is very potent!!! Make sure you take with test because it will eat away at muscle if you take too much. It speeds up your metabolism so much that I was eating so much food and still losing weight. This is awesome for anyone looking to cut down before summer or a show..

  10. Michael Wigton

    I too was in this boat, but have used this product for 3 years now with no problems, I use test every 2 weeks and now living my best life… I found out that most of the T4 & T3 in the U.S. is bound with Gluten so as to keep people sick. This product is Gluten free so you body does not have to fight it’s self. I give it a 10 out of 10

  11. Kevin Kapchuk

    Loved stacking this on my cutting cycle. Felt like the carbs were burning faster, little more sweat during cardio. Kept blood sugars from spiking and helped maintain a low bf%

  12. hardbody

    Beligas Cytomel T3 is a potent thyroid hormone in 50mcg individually sealed blister strip. Anti counterfeit halo gram stickers with product verification assures legitamte product. Convenient score line along tablet centre for easy breaking 25 mcg doses while adjusting dosages upward. Potent fat burner. Excellent product!

  13. Alpha

    Beligas Pharm is consistent with providing high quality gear and this is no exception! Another very satisfied customer and will be ordering again soon. Notnatty is my #1 and only go to. Thanks again!

  14. Chris McKinney

    Good Proviron. I always run this with all cycles and PCT. Keeps sex drive up and estrogen down. Took 100mg/day and crashed my estrogen. 25-50mg/day is all that’s needed.

  15. Scott

    Great product. Burns fat off. Ran it with test and tren. Awesome results

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