

4 customer reviews Sold: 0

Substance: Liothyronine Sodium
Manufacturer: Hutech Labs
Pack: 100 tabs (50mcg/tab)

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Thyroxyl (Liothyronine Sodium T-3) is a synthetically manufactured thyroid hormone called triiodothyronine (T3). Generally, the thyroid hormones are stimulating the basal metabolic rate and they are being involved in a lot of the cellular functions including fat, protein as well as the carbohydrate metabolism.

The bodybuilders as well as the athletes are being attracted to the Liothyronine Sodium T-3 product mainly because of its ability to increase the metabolism which can be extremely helpful for losing body fat but in the same time, the product is supporting itself the breakdown of the body fat.

With this being said, by supplementing with Liothyronine Sodium T-3 the individual is able to lose body fat much better/ faster and more effective. When you are purchasing Thyroxyl (Liothyronine Sodium T-3) from Kalpa Pharmaceuticals you can expect to get Liothyronine Sodium 25 mcg 100 tablets. Let’s check out more about this product.

What is Liothyronine Sodium T-3 | About Thyroxyl (Liothyronine Sodium T-3)

Liothyronine Sodium (T-3) is being medically used in order to treat hypothyroidism condition, this is a condition where the thyroid gland is not producing sufficient levels of the thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism is normally diagnosed with a serum hormone profile (T3, T4, and TSH) and may manifest itself with symptoms that are including such bothersome symptoms as: loss of energy, hair loss, weight gain, lethargy as well as changes in skin texture.

T3 is the most active thyroid hormone in the human body and consequently Liothyronine Sodium is being considered to be a much more potent thyroid medication than for example Levothyroxine Sodium (T4).

What is Liothyronine Sodium T-3 Used for?

The bodybuilders as well as athletes are being attracted to Liothyronine Sodium T-3 for the ability it has to increase the metabolism as well as to support the breakdown of the body fat which is super helpful, especially in the competitive/ cutting phases. Most often, the product is being used during the contest preparation or during the period of the cutting phases. That’s all because this product is most commonly being said to significantly help in the loss of fat, often on higher levels of the caloric intake than would usually be permissive of such fat loss.

In the end, this product is also very often being used in the combination with some other fat loss agents like for example the Human Growth Hormone as well as the beta agonists. There are also some users out there who describe an ability of thyroid hormones like for example Liothyronine Sodium T-3 to increase the anabolic effects of the steroids that can be taken alongside with it. This is going to provide the boost in the anabolic effects of muscle preserving or muscle building.

In the time that in theory these drugs may support the greater utilization of the protein as well as the carbohydrates for the muscle growth, they also are not being widely proven or being accepted for this purpose. Nonetheless, anecdotally, they are thought to help with this effect.

Liothyronine Sodium T-3 Side Effects

Most often, side effects of Thyroxyl (Liothyronine Sodium T-3) are generally being associated with over dosage and it may include such side effects as irritability, headache as well as nervousness, irregular heart beating, sweating, menstrual irregularities as well as increased bowel motility.

It is important to understand that over dosage also may induce shock, it also may aggravate or trigger angina as well as the congestive heart failure. In addition to everything mentioned, a prolonged over exposure to Liothyronine Sodium T-3 is going to produce symptoms that are normally being associated with hyperthyroidism or the over production of the natural thyroid hormones in the human body. The occurrence of the over exposure is being connected with such side effects that are normally being the cause to immediately reduce or discontinue therapy with the Thyroxyl – Liothyronine Sodium T-3.

Although Liothyronine Sodium T-3 is not very bad in terms of side effects profile, some acute massive over dose may be life threatening, especially when is being chronic. By using Liothyronine Sodium T-3 normally and properly, without over dosing and with no prolonged use, Liothyronine Sodium is considered to be fairly safe and it shouldn’t offer too bad side effects.

Thyroxyl / Liothyronine Dosage | Liothyronine Sodium T-3 Administration

The usual protocol among bodybuilders and athletes who are using Thyroxyl – Liothyronine Sodium T-3 in order to accelerate the fat loss process is involving and initiating its use with a dosage of 25 mcg per day. This dosage may be increased by 25 mcg every 4 to 7 days, normally reaching a maximum of no more than 75 mcg per day as using more is what might exposure the individual to side effects.

As in the medical setting, the intent of this slow build up it is being to help the body to become adjust to the increased thyroid hormone levels and this way to avoid some of the sudden changes that could start some of the side effects.

The cycles of Liothyronine Sodium T-3 are normally lasting no more than 6 weeks, and also the administration of this product should not be stopped abruptly. The product should be stopped gradually, is being discontinued in the same slow manner in which it has bene initiated. This usually means that the individual needs to reduce the dosage by 25 mcg anywhere between every 4 to 7 days. It is important to do so because this tapering is being done so that the body is having time to readjust its endogenous hormone production at the conclusion of therapy and to avoid the onset of the side effects.

By starting to take the product at a high dose it will increase the chances of side effects (which would most likely appear) and the same applies if the individual would stop using the product abruptly as the side effects would most likely appear.

Where to Get Liothyronine Sodium T-3 | Why Buy Thyroxyl (T3)

Bodybuilders and athletes are purchasing Thyroxyl – Liothyronine Sodium T-3 and using it with great success and that’s because this is an amazing product which is stimulating the metabolism as well as the conversion of the proteins, fats as well as carbohydrates in the human body. Thyroxyl (Liothyronine Sodium T-3) from Kalpa Pharmaceuticals generally is a really amazing choice for those bodybuilders who are taking parts in the contents and that’s because the Liothyronine has been proven that it does an amazing job in keeping the body fat extremely low.

The product is generally side effects friendly, however there are a few things that should be kept in mind in order to keep the side effects away and they include: do not stop or start with the drug abruptly. Taper up and taper down should be done. Also do not over dose and to not take the drug for longer periods of time than is being recommended.

4 reviews for T3

  1. Robert F.

    Everything came on time. Couldn’t be happier!

  2. Babem

    Ordered and received everything with no problems

  3. Richard N.

    Excellent experience!!!

  4. Ryan bartoush

    Product arrived exactly as described. Would buy again.

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