
Primobolan 200

8 customer reviews Sold: 0

Substance: Methenolone Enanthate
Manufacturer: Hutech Labs
Pack: 10ml vial (200mg/ml)

Primobolan 200


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What is Primobolan? | What is Methenolone Enanthate?

Primobolan is the brand name of Methenolone Enanthate as the active substance in this compound and is an anabolic and androgenic steroid that is very widely used all over the world for various needs and especially when it comes to physique and performance enhancement.

This product might be also sold as other brand names such as Nibal Injection or Primobolan Depot indicating that is an injection form as there’s an oral form of Methenolone known as Methenolone Acetate.

This product is mainly being used in the treatment of anemia because of bone marrow failure but this compound is mainly being used for physique and performance enhancement purposes by steroid users, bodybuilders, powerlifters and competitive athletes. This compound has been introduced for medical use back in 1962 and is remaining nowadays by far the most popular injectable steroid for cutting cycles.

The only injectable steroid which can compared to Methenolone Enanthate in popularity for cutting cycles is Trenbolone, but there’s an extremely huge difference between the 2 steroids – Methenolone Enanthate is mild and very safe while remaining effective and very beneficial while Trenbolone is an extremely powerful steroid which offers much more side effects.

Primobolan, often shortly called Primo, got its huge popularity because of the fact that there’s a rumor suggesting Arnold Schwarzenegger has used this compound for getting lean. This steroid is used in both cutting and bulking cycles with great success but is still remaining one of the all favorite injectable steroids for cutting.

Despite the fact that is a steroid considered pretty weak on paper due to its fairly low anabolic to androgenic ratings that is only 88 to 44-57, is still more powerful than mesterolone and is still extremely famous for various uses. Mainly because the product is still remaining extremely effective while is considered a lot much safer compared to most other steroids available.

What Does Primobolan Do? | How Does Primobolan Work? | Methenolone Uses

It was already mentioned that, Primobolan -Primo is a fairly weak steroid but that’s not true when assuming how effective it can be. Plus, Primo is having one big advantage over most other steroids out there – it has a stronger binding to the androgen receptor than testosterone and that’s something most people don’t know about.

Primobolan with active substance Methenolone Enanthate is a pretty safe steroid and is remaining very effective for physique and performance enhancement and especially when it comes to cutting cycles. Despite the fact that is not very used in medical settings, is very famous for physique and performance enhancement – that’s for various reasons.

Why, when this compound seem to be quite useless for bulking cycles when you need to add muscle mass due of its low anabolic rating that is lower than testosterone? That’s because is great when used for cutting cycles and it still can remain hugely beneficial for bulking when combined with other wet compounds. For cutting, is amazing because you lose fat and maintain muscle mass – if not adding lean muscles.

Methenolone is known to increase nitrogen retention so the steroid is only a bit anabolic but very good anti catabolic meaning that you are not going to lose muscles. As a result – you lose weight, don’t lose muscles and even might add a bit.

Pretty much as with all other dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived steroids, there’s no aromatization with Primobolan and this means that no water retention, gynecomastia or unwanted extra weight is going to be an issue especially for cutting.

Primobolan Dosage | Primobolan Cycle | Methenolone Enanthate Dose

Primobolan which offers Methenolone Enanthate is used as an injection intramuscularly as it comes in oil based solution as all other injectables. In addition, Primobolan DepotMethenolone Enanthate is used for longer periods of times compared to Primobolan Oral and that’s mainly because of no hepatotoxic issues that are specific for Methenolone Acetate.

Primobolan usually is used for approximately 10-12 weeks, but Methenolone Acetate products should be used for maximum 8 weeks for reducing hepatotoxic risks. Plus, the oral version must be used on a daily basis because of short half life of 2-3 days but the injectable form Methenolone Enanthate with half life of about 7-10 days, can be used once a week.

If women want to use Primobolan – go for the oral version because is much safer. Men doses are raging between 400 up to 800 mg a week or even more.

This product is mainly used in cutting cycles but is also used for bulking up too. When used for cutting is very rarely used alone but for bulking is never used alone. PrimobolanMethenolone Enanthate is stacking extremely good with Testosterone, Winstrol and many other steroids. What steroids to add, depends on your cycle – bulking or cutting. Do not forget about a good PCT plan and supplements to add.

Primobolan Side Effects | Methenolone Enanthate Side Effects

Because is a DHT derivative, Primobolan is not an estrogenic product due to the fact that it cannot aromatize into estrogen regardless of what’s the dose used. That’s the reason why, high estrogen related side effects such as gynecomastia, hypertension, bloating and others won’t ever occur with Methenolone.

Except for no estrogenic side effects, no hepatotoxic side effects would ever occur either because Primobolan is not dangerous for the liver as it won’t affect it, unlike its oral version – Methenolone Acetate.

However, Primobolan doesn’t mean to be absolutely side effects fre and that’s why you need to use it carefully, despite being considered mild, if you don’t want to get unwanted side effects.

Some of the adverse effects of Primobolan are those of negative cholesterol and cardiovascular side effects as well as androgenic side effects. Androgenic side effects are manifesting in hair loss, acne, oily skin, excessive hair growth and many others. Virilizing side effects among women are definitely possible, especially in higher doses, one of the reasons why women should go only for the shortest half lives like Methenolone Acetate as they need to stop using the compound at the first virilizing side effect.

In addition, Primobolan is known for suppressing natural testosterone production. Studies done show that Primo can suppress natural testosterone production by 15 – 65% at doses that are far from being considered enough for physique and performance enhancement.

Where to Buy Primobolan? | Buy Primobolan Depot | Get Methenolone Enanthate

Primobolan or known as Primo shortly can be purchased from Notnatty.org for a very low price. Primobolan is often referred as Primobolan Depot when talking about Methenolone Enanthate as Methenolone Acetate which is also called Primobolan is without “Depot” indicating the oral version.

In the end, Hutech Labs which manufactured this compound are offering this product for a very low price and Notnatty.org is their official manufacturer meaning that the product price and authenticity is something you can save a lot. Primobolan is one of the most famous injectable steroids for cutting steroids and there are good reasons. If you want something very effective while remaining safe – Primobolan is exactly what you need.

8 reviews for Primobolan 200

  1. Ali Ali

    Primo is my magic secret durning bulking and cutting. Probably Primo 200 is the most expensiveanabolic, but it’s 100% worth it, it’s the safest anabolic out there and you can stack in any cycle either bulking or cutting! I love that I don’t have to work about blood pressure or harming my liver. As long as I’m on cycle I usual eat clean and do carding so I don’t have to worry about cholesterol! For bucking I stack it with Test Enanathate , EQ bold, Tren Enanathate and Turnabol tablets. Curing: Mastrom, Winstrol and Test Sus. Primobolan Ethanante is 100% legit and working well. Incredible result as I use it as a bridge between cycles!

  2. Jason Deylofs

    I’m really pleased with this purchase! I bought primo based on the great reviews available on this site. I’m running 400mg a week and just finished the first vial @ 5 weeks in. I am also running test Cypionate 250 at 500mg a week. The Primo has kept my AI use to a minimum and I’m getting excellent results. I am gaining some size and vascularity while in a caloric deficit of about 500 Kcals per day. My strength has stayed consistent. I got mild PIP on my first ventral glute injection but nothing since then. Love this product!

  3. John Reese

    Historically, I have been hesitant to buy primobolan simply because of how often you get fake stuff.I had the benefit of testing a few batches from this supplier and they all came out clear.Effects were in line with expectations, and I will be buying again.

  4. Alberto Martinez

    primo 200 is the best product on the market. It will absolutely shred your fat and scope your muscles like nothing else. It also has the least side effects and can be run for a pretty long time.

  5. Rated 5 out of 5 Alan DeBenedictis

    Great Primo, pins smooth, no pip. I have nothing but great things to say about Notnatty they are a great resource and a pleasure to deal with.


    I just made my 2nd order of primobolan and here are my thoughts. I knew I wanted a mild anabolic to go with my deca/test and originally my approach was go with dragonpharma anavar 50mg a day which I tried and got quite a bit of heartburn from. Going through youtube videos it brought me to my next attempt this time with primobolan. This cycle I looked a lot more lean and I believe it was from primo because that was the only change from my previous cycles. Also I read that primo can act as an AI and I have fairly high body fat and I was running .5mg arimidex eod and had zero issues with any nipple sensitivity so perhaps that is true. Mood was very very positive during the entire cycle up until about the last week. I dont suffer from depression but I do have high anxiety and overall pretty anxious and that wasnt really too bad the entire 12 weeks looking back. Last note that also leads me to believe this primo is very real is there was pip. I never get pip and I been on trt 3 years and this was my 2nd cycle but a few times my entire ass hurt. my wife does my pins and we were making sure to keep track which sides we were doing the primo and sure enough every time there was some pain or discomfort a couple days it was on that side. Would I buy this product again? Yes most likely going to be running 200 primo split into 2 pin a week for an indefinite amount of time. Hope my rambles helped a bit with your decision.

  7. BamShaw

    My lord is this stuff awesome. I haven’t ran primo maybe close to 10 years. I remember how everyone complained it was so hard and painful to pin, so jumping at 200 was a risk but let me tell you. This stuff is smooth like butter and if official, like a ref with a whistle. SUUUWUUU! Great results. No pain. All Gain

  8. Jack Hodge

    One of my favorites and one of the few labs that dose at 200/ml. Primo gives a clean, dry, gain and can also be used to bring estrogen levels down.

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