

8 customer reviews Sold: 0

Substance: Methyldrostanolone
Manufacturer: Hutech Labs
Pack: 100 tabs (25mg/tab)

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What is Superdrol? | What is Methyldrostanolone?

Superdrol is the brand name and the steroid manufactured by Hutech Labs – a nickname of the active substance Methasterone or also known as methyldrostanolone which is a synthetic and orally active anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS) that has never had any medical uses but it was still very widely used off label before it got scheduled.

Superdrol got this nickname because there are many rumors suggesting that this compound might be the most effective and widely used oral anabolic steroid in the last years. Superdrol containing Methasterone or Methyldrostanolone is basically Masteron (Drostanolone) however this compound does not have the attached ester chain, instead of it, the compound has the C17 alpha alkylation difference which allows for oral administration.

This steroid was created many years ago in 1950s but it never got as popular as other steroids, instead, in about 2005 this steroid “resurfaced” and people often call it one of the strongest orally active steroids. Few years later, it got FDA attention and it got scheduled and then banned, but before that, it was used as a dietary supplement.

Being extremely powerful and one of the strongest is obvious that the benefits that can be obtained are huge, but so are the side effects if not using this steroid properly. This product is so powerful because is offering an anabolic rating of 400 (which is among the highest anabolic ratings compared to all other steroids nowadays) and in the time that is offering an androgenic rating of only 20 – that’s an incredible anabolic to androgenic ratio.

Superdrol containing methyldrostanolone is a DHT derived steroid offering a methyl group and therefore this compound cannot aromatize while offers huge anabolic activity with very low androgenic activity.

How Does Superdrol Work? | Superdrol Uses

As mentioned, Superdrol never had any medical use as a prescription drug and nowadays is a banned compound in USA, however, previously the compound was used Over the Counter and bodybuilders looking to improve their physique and enhance their performance got amazing success with the steroid.

Then it got banned deemed as “too dangerous” and while this can be true with careless uses, Superdrol can be an amazing steroid which is capable to offer amazing results. This compound is great when it comes to protein synthesis and nitrogen retention as they are greatly improved. The muscle cells would build proteins much more faster which would lead to a growth of muscles and their repair much faster.

All of its properties offer a good environment in the body allowing for a much leaner muscle mass in a much shorter amount of time required to achieve that. This compound is also going to offering for a significant increase of red blood cell count which is required for a bodybuilder to grow muscles further. RBC count is responsible for the amount of oxygen going throughout your body and muscles allowing for a better body system, muscle growth, strength increases etc.

This compound is mostly notorious for offering very dry and hard gains that are very noticeable after only a few weeks of using it. You can experience up to about 30 lbs increase in lean muscle mass and up to about 25% of increases in maximum lifts after only a few weeks of Superdrol cycle.

Generally, this compound is working in a similar way as many other steroids, but its unique pharmacological and structural changes makes this steroid be notorious for offering huge increases in very lean and quality muscle gains without water weight and for making you extremely strong – all in a short period of time, but also with side effects.

Superdrol Cycles | Superdrol Dosage | How to Take Superdrol?

The recommended dosage for Superdrol shouldn’t go over 50 mg a day under no circumstances but in fact, by far not everyone would be able to tolerate 40 mg a day.

In the end, there are people’s reports suggesting that the gains you would be able to get out of using only 10 to 20 mg a day are going to be huge. Therefore, we would recommend to start slowly at only 10 mg a day, and then increase with 10 mg up until you reach about 40 mg a day if you can tolerate it well.

Cycle length should be short because this compound is very powerful and hepatotoxic. 4 weeks cycle length with Superdrol is all that you need. 6 weeks is absolutely maximum. Do not even think about cycles exceeding 6 weeks. Add liver supporting supplements because they are very important when running Superdrol.

Due to the fact that Superdrol is having quite a short half life, pretty much as with any other orally active anabolic and androgenic steroids out there, this compound should be used multiple times a day for maintaining steady blood. It offers a half life of 8-9 hours, people use it 2 times a day or as much as 4 times a day.

Superdrol Side Effects

Side effects of Superdrol cannot be associated with estrogenic side effects due to the fact that is DHT derived compound which cannot aromatize. Water retention cannot occur. But there are reports suggesting that gynecomastia symptoms might appear, however there are no studies proving this theory.

Due to its very low androgenic activity, such side effects like oily skin, acne, hair loss and increased aggression etc. are possible, however they are not as bad or as often reported compared to using Anadrol (Oxymetholone) or Dianabol (Methandrostenolone).

Virilizing side effects for women are still possible so they should be careful with this compound. Negative effects on your cardiovascular and cholesterol health is possible so make sure to have a healthy lifestyle and add some supplements. Other than that, make sure that you may run into low testosterone condition due to your natural testosterone getting suppressed.

Running a proper Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan after each cycle with Superdrol is very recommended, exactly as is to have a healthy lifestyle, keep your liver healthy by running supplements and avoiding hepatotoxic compounds like alcohol or OTC meds and many other methods which a user can do for avoiding side effects.

Where to Buy Superdrol For Sale? | Where to Buy Methyldrostanolone For Sale?

Superdrol is a very helpful steroid which is very easy to use as it comes in forms of tablets and is offering huge results as Methasterone is notorious for offering huge increases in muscle mass and strength levels in a very short period of time while you get lean and vascular. Is a very helpful and powerful oral steroid but it has a drawback – it cannot be obtained very easy.

Up until 2011, it could be purchased very easy in any health food stores, however then it got discontinued and then banned altogether. That’s why purchasing or finding it is not as easy.

Good news is that now you can get it very easy directly from our website at Notnatty.org and you even get a discount for it. Hutech Labs – the pharma company manufacturing it offers discounts for Superdrol and you can purchase it very easily and hassle free from Notnatty.org and you can get a very high quality Methyldrostanolone compound.

8 reviews for Superdrol

  1. John M

    My go- too for mass and even cutting. There’s a certain diet for sdrol, but Hutech’s sdrol is the best I’ve had.

  2. Joey Tyrrell

    Can definitely feel the results during your workout. The drive is higher and the pump is wild

  3. Varking

    Excellent products and customer service as always!

  4. Lucas cane

    Strength and weight shot up the first week but soon after I felt sluggish and short tempered. Good to go if you don’t have a wife and kids.

  5. Youngest

    Great Quality and results. Product quickly added strength, size and lean mass.

  6. Philip Schoenbein

    Fast shipping, potent A1 product will purchase again!

  7. Adam

    Great product would buy again.

  8. Anonymous

    Got here super fast good product

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